sábado, 7 de junho de 2014

Best Paintings of all Time

The powerful painting of Pieter Bruegel, the Elder (1525-1569) about The Tower of Babel. In Bruegel's painting it was a roman to medieval european view of a gigantic tower and very different from the real one, but still very impressive.

Rafael Sanzio's (1483-1520) School of Athens is another well known painting that I added to my list. It depicts a fantastic encounter of the most brilliant minds of ancient Greece, and with the great renaissance masters such as Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo and Rafael himself used as the models. I think it can't get any better than that.

And Jan Van Eyck's Ghent Altarpiece who did here something very special. His incredible details of the expressions, beautiful faces (especially the females), mastery in using lightning effects on different kinds of material like gold, glass, fabrics and others makes this a masterpiece. Painting like that in the early 15th century was completely unexpected. In some aspects he was centuries ahead of his fellow painters with techniques that looked like 3D. And I can't stop thinking that there's some hidden message in the detail of Mary Magdalene with a younger lady by her side in the inner right-hand panel.

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